Font Styles
JSN Epic PRO provides 3 font styles for major website types. Each font style is actually a combination of 2 font types: one for content text, another for heading text and main navigation text. Font style is configured by template parameter Template Font.
JSN Epic Free supports only 1 default font style. JSN Epic PRO supports all 3 font styles.
Business / Corporation Website font style (default)

This is the combination of Verdana (for heading text) and Arial (for content text). The alternative fonts for Mac OS users are Geneva and Helvetica respectively.
This compact neat font style is excellent choice for business oriented websites as well as corporate websites. The combination of Verdana and Arial font type looks very natural and common for most of users since they are most popular font types used on the Internet.
Personal / Blog Website font style

This is the combination of Georgia (for heading text) and Trebuchet MS (for content text). The alternative fonts for Mac OS users are serif and Helvetica respectively.
This font style is little bigger then normal which make it perfect choice for small websites like personal or blog websites. The combination of Georgia and Trebuchet MS makes content very easy to read and the looks impressive.
Online News / Magazines font style

This is the combination of Palatino Linotype (for heading text) and Times New Roman (for content text). The alternative fonts for Mac OS users are Palatino and Times respectively.
This font style utilizes another very popular font called Times New Roman. This font is widely used in printing industry and in some of extremely popular online news website like The New York Times. If you want to run online news / magazine website, it’s worth to try this font combination.