Greenskills CEO Nicholas Wyman to Co Chair at Low Carbon Earth Summit in China

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The global low carbon economy wave has attracted attention from almost all walks of life. Particularly after the UNFCCC Copenhagen Conference 2009 (COP-15), those involved are not just limited to the people involved in policy on economic levels, but include almost every community from politics to technology and the general public. Currently, “low carbon” has become one of the most common phrases in daily life. The conference is titled,  “ Leading the Green Economy, Returning to Harmony with Nature.”  will be held in Dalian, China at the World Exposition Centre.
Nicholas Wyman will present on efforts in Australia to stimulate employers and education institutions over the last decade have had mixed results. There is still a clear knowledge gap between the Environment and Economics. Universities and Vocational Training institutions are struggling to include green skills in their education.  With record high youth unemployment and disengagement,  can our young people be engaged and trained in green skills ?
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