Sarah Derks wins GreenSkills Trainee of the Year

Published by Green Skills on

Congratulations to Sarah Derks for winning the GreenSkills Trainee of the Year! Sarah’s can do attitude, commitment and an all round sense of humor are just some of the characteristics to best describe her.

Sarah came to join WPC Group on the 27th of January where she commenced a traineeship in customer contact with her Host Employer VISY Recycling. Sarah was quick to convey her abilities in applying herself to any task at hand and committing herself 100% to both her position and studies. Her supervisor, Kate Cosford VISY Recycling’s Victorian Customer Service Manager, describes her as “an individual who provides the ultimate service for our customers and we are very proud to have her representing VISY Recycling”.

Please contact us for further information on how to easily set up an apprentice for your organisation.

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